Intuitive Counseling & Energy Clearing Sessions

Ethically and holistically driven, Elizabeth's transformative healing sessions free the spirit and activate your full potential by stimulating your natural gifts through the alchemization of your authenticity, sovereignty, and joy. With your intention as the foundation, Elizabeth reads your energy and the subtle energies around you to provide intuitive insight to your highest life path, and clear your energetic blueprint so that you can embody your highest creative and vibrational being while deepening your connection with spirit. 

All of her practices incorporate intuitive ethics, meaning she is not able to see or clear anything that is not ready or given permission to be shown. All readings and clearing are in present time and are intended to ignite the light that is already within you. 

  • A touch-less form of energetic healing, combines chakra balancing, acupuncture meridian clearing, color therapy, and Reiki. These sessions are dedicated to exploring how your health is impacted by cellular trauma, past life experiences, ancestral patterns, and karmic contracts that, once harmonized, promote health, heal intimate relationships, and promote spiritual development.

  • An immersive experience where Elizabeth uses her innate gifts as an intuitive channel and clairvoyant to retrieve your soul’s truth, answers and explores questions about yourself, and the spirits and situations closest to you.

    In these sessions, you are also invited to connect to any spirits, including plants, animals, and those whom have passed.

Elizabeth is located in CA on pacific standard time (PST). Please check your time zone when scheduling, as there is a strict 24 hour cancellation policy. Of course life happens, however, due to Elizabeth’s waitlist, she reserves your time in advance specifically for your session. Therefore, if you must reschedule or make a change, please reach out for accommodations. For any scheduling questions, please contact Thank you!